
Showing posts from December, 2020

Pandemic ka lang, I am Filipino

    Who are we? Aren't we Filipinos  and we do not give up. Filipinos are capable of solving all the trials that have passed through our lives. It's just a pandemic, we can survive here as long as we trust in God and each other. We Filipinos do not just give up  against the problem we are facing right now.     Filipinos are resilient, because of Covid most of us have adapted and adjusted to these conditions and developed a loop like routine. As the saying goes,“when the going gets tough, the tough get going” describes our action and attitude towards this situation perfectly.      The current state of affairs put the world on stop,making it all fall apart. Some have worries and doubt over the matter of the current situation we all now face, but for me it allowed us to gain a understanding on our current situation on what is happening in our society. And I realize there is alway a change,a constant change. All of us have adapted in ways we cannot imagine in our lifetime. As a  st